
You helped me see that what I was seeing was real. Bridget was doing really interesting things. I wasn't wrong, I wasn't failing at everything, my horse really was actually giving me different responses to everyone else's horse because she was, well, not like everyone else's horse.

You gave me the confidence to believe myself, my experiences, and my process. You gave me a safe place to ask questions in a granular fashion, to test things, and reframed things I was used to finding disheartening as intriguing and something to be explored with curiosity and openness.

You are one of the very few horsemanship instructors that I can rely on to take me seriously, to believe me, and to take into account my horse's learning style, while being utterly supportive of my own neurological shenanigans, and understanding how that impacts horsemanship. I know that if I come to you, both my horse and I are safe. We may have some moments in the learning process that look a bit messy, but we're safe.

And that makes every day I can get to the horses easier. It makes every interaction I have with any horse easier. And that counts for a lot.

If you ever have a doubt about saying 'Hey, I'm here, maybe I can help', remember me and Bridget. I am grateful enough for the both of us that you took a chance to offer your help. Though, Bridget always appreciates the carrots I give her on your behalf that little bit more, I think.


